Q. Will my practice be tied to a lengthy contract?  What are the costs associated with a short term or long term relationship?

A. Our consultation and findings are FREE to you. If we find areas needing improvement our recommendations are at no obligation.  IF you choose to implement one or more of our "bundle" options no lengthy contract is required.  We become a part of your team subject to promotion or separation like any member of your organization. 

Our fees are based on a three tiered system.  "Bundles" have different metrics built into each service agreement. Some bundles will have an hourly wage model, while other bundles with have both hourly and percentage of collections. Finally, our "DIVIERSIFICATION" bundle has an hourly, percentage of collections, and performance bonus' tied to growth metrics both parties will establish.

Q. What is involved in the FREE practice consultation and how long will it take?

A. The entire consultation can be done in one 2 hour period or can be broken up into portions that do not interupt office work flow and paitient care. We provide your practice with a "non-disclosure" agreement to ensure confidentiality and can evaluate for one to four core service every practice should have.

Q. What does the consultation consist of?

A. We will walk through your practice as a "new patient" and will rate the customer experience on a 10 point scale from "one" being the lowest to "ten"  being the best possible outcome. 

Phone etiquette, intake process, office flow, diagnostic and laboratory services, friendly/knowledgeable staff as well as the physician encounter;  patient education as well as the final debriefing and scheduling of outside refrerrals or future follow up visits.

Pinnacle Practice Management, LLC

Q. What are "bundles" and will I have to purchase them all or can I pick and choose? 

A. We offer a comprehensive plan for your practice that can be broken down into several "bundles".  A bundle is simply one of our core services broken down into it's simplest program.  For example, if your practice has an established base of patients and and experienced team you may only need our "COMPLIANCE" bundle for staying up to date on Federal, State, or Insurance changes. 

You may want to recruit another medical specialty such as OB/GYN or CHIROPRACTOR in order to diversify your practice offering to your patients.  Our "DIVERSIFICATION" bundle can help you augment your services to enhance your patient's experience and enhance your practice's revenue stream.